Managing Facebook and Instagram accounts for
Activities on your socialmedia brings together those, who are probably very interested incooperation with you. Know it, use it and get the most out of it. Bevisible!
1. Photos
We make unique,well-considered and beautiful photos by combining the product andnature resources. The photos are always made according to topics, whether it’s holiday, news or special events.
2. Text
Both short and longtextual posts, that include the message for your client. We fantasizeand think of specials texts for social media posts and picturecaptions entwining both elegance and humor, so textual postssupplement the picture and other way back.
3. Banners
We make unique andvisually attractive banners, based on the latest design trends. It isimportant to attract the attention, so not only your clients, butalso other social media users share your posts. More shares = moreattention. Basically, you can just call it hitting two rabbits withone shot.